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Manohar. R (Manu)
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Posted date: 23 Fri, Mar 2018 – 10:53:17 PM

Title – Mukyamantri Kaladodnappo, Producer – Shivakumar, Direction – Shivakumar Bhadraiah, Music – Nayan, Cinematography – Harish, Cast –Babu Hirannaiah, Bharat, Amoolya Rai, Shivakumar and others.


The sarcastic bite for this film was very much required. Perhaps a good writer and good director would have taken this film to higher level.

Shivakumar Bhadraiah as an actor is humble and performed well. For his direction there was some experience needed. Good dialogues, sarcastic narration was also most deserving points missing in this film.


Including the chief minister all cabinet colleagues headed by Vaddurappa (Babu Hirannaiah) are corrupt. Vaddurappa takes control of his cabinet colleagues (all of them resemble BJP). When chief minister decide to appoint a common man for the chief minister post to prove their honesty it becomes a thorn for the chief minister!


Boti Krishna (Shivakumar Bhadraiah) an ordinary farmer is picked by chief minister to the position of chief minister all of a sudden. This is very much shocking to Boti Krishna as he is asked to work as puppet. At one point of time Boti Krishna learns that he is not fit and studies the danger. He runs away from the chief minister house as chief minister. That is “Mukyamantri Kaladodnappo’ for audience.


The aftermath of this chief minister going missing is also interesting aspect not told captivatingly by debutant director Shivakumar Bhadraiah.

The performance of Babu Hirannaiah is matchless. There is a woman colleague (she resembles a prominent BJP politician).


There was no need for the characters Bharath and Amoolya as the focus of the film is on interesting element of chief minister going missing.

Best work from Shivakumar Bhadraiah is yet to come. Two songs are well tuned by Nayan, cinematography is absorbing part of this film. Dialogues should have has as sharp as ‘Master Hirannaiah’ plays.


Score – 2.5/5

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