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Posted date: 13 Fri, Apr 2018 – 06:22:11 PM
Title – Dalapathi, Producer – Naveen and Manjunath, Direction – Prashanth Raj, Music – Charan Raj, Cineamatography – Santosh Rai Pathaje, Cast – Premkumar, Kriti Kharbanda, Chikkanna, Krishi Tapanda, Sharat Lohitashva, Srinivasa Prabhu, Padmaja Rao and others.

This is a Pukka action cum love entertainer. Prashanth Raj has moved away from regular love story flicks to an action film that finally ends up as a revenge story.

The feast on screen is lovely star Prem and charming beauty Kriti Kharbanda. The acting prowess of the two has come out so well. In the awards they will be stiff competitors for awards.

Compared to previous films director Prashanth Raj has made a big leap and he has given right dose of suspense at the right time. No one would imagine such suspense in the film. The fag end of the film is almost a major tilt the film takes is very absorbing.

Director Prashanth Raj has used the cinematic liberty to place the songs and action. An actor like Sharat Lohitashva who eats away everyone from his eye expressions and dialogue delivery is cruelly best.  Finally Dhalapathi over ride Adhipathi!

It is a love and Gana Bhajana in the first half, there are some interesting things that boys would like and feel proud. But the charming beauty of Kriti Karbhanda haunts you for a long time.

Suryakanth Sambargi (Sharat Lohitashva) wants to become MLA so no legal petition should be in his name. He is a killer in fact of innocent family members. A case is lodged; he wants this case to be dropped. What he does is interesting. He hires a youth Ram (Premkumar) for a task to bring pressure on family members to drop the case in the court.

Obviously at the interval point there is shock and in the coming portions there are some startling revelations.

Lovely star Prem has done pretty good work. He is such a talented actor who knows how to deliver anger and emotions. Kriti Kharbanda is ‘Chad Ka Tukda’!

Srinivasa Prabhu, Padmaja Rao, Chikkanna have given fine performance. The editing, costume, dialogue are very impressive.

Charan Raj has good mix of melody and pep, cinematographer Santosh Rai Pathaje is flawless.

Show all your sympathy to ‘Dhalapathi’ to make it Adhipathi in box office!
4.5/5 is score
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