Chief Editor
Manohar. R (Manu)
Photo Journalist
+91 9845549026
Posted date: 9/April/2011

Director Shahuraj Shindhe has not looked at what kind of films have come and gone in the past. This subject of sacrifice by the protagonist Raghu Mukerjee is an outdated theme and the raw stock used for this kind of film is a waste.
There are five producers in this film and none of them are careful and watchful when the story narration is given. What eclipse dogged the producers to make this kind of cinema?
Chetana (Rekha) a nursing student after initial hiccups agrees to marry Sanjay (Raghu Mukerjee) a musician. Sanjay son of a Navy official gets a job in Navy and soon after marriage he leaves for initial training. On his comeback he is declared dead. Without ascertaining the facts of Sanjay a body presuming it to be Sanjay he is cremated.
The first carelessness and common sense is revealed at this point of time. Chetana despite of stern decision is forced to marry Dr Vijay. In this case Sanjay father Srinath a colonel convinces her.
Just before the interval the amnesia affected Sanjay appears on the screen. Chetana is shocked. She is further shocked because her husband Dr Sanjay has taken the case study of Sanjay for his experiment. Dr Vijay aware of the fact Sanjay getting back memory might snatch Chetana from him does not play spoilsport. He operates Sanjay and the sacrifice starts now. Sanjay pretends that he got the memory but not reveal it. He takes promise from his father and the senior Nurse in the hospital.
Raghu Mukerjee looks handsome but the moustache on him does not match properly. He does not open his mouth properly delivering dialogues. Kiran is once again good for nothing. There is problem in dialogue delivery with this actor too. Rekha in close up shots looks pimple queen.
V Harikrishna has given two lovely tunes and they are fast and catchy. HC Venu is the hero of the film from his camera. Every frame is precise and compact.
Verdict – find free time to watch this film.

Title – PREMA CHANDRAMA , Banner – Jenukalli Chitralaya, Producers – UE Ganesh, G Kumar, GS Jagadish and Sunilkumar Shindhe, Music – V Harikrishna, Cinematography – HC Venu, Cast – Raghu Mukerjee, Rekha, Kiran, Sumithra, Abhinaya, Srinath, Umasri, UE Ganesh and others.

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